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INI File  |  2007-11-21  |  13.2 KB  |  478 lines

  1. [INFO]
  2. Lang=English
  3. Author=Grabets Oleg
  4. Ver=7.4
  6. [FMain]
  7. Label3=Get more skins at
  8. butApply=&Apply
  9. ButOk=&Ok
  10. butClose=&Cancel
  11. PBox1_Hint=Calendar positon in desktop
  12. LPNote=Note. The dates notes are in the calendar cells for the Full desktop calendar or like hints for the Small calendar.
  13. GBMergins= Margin (pixels) 
  14. Label13=Left:
  15. Label14=Top:
  16. Label15=Right:
  17. Label16=Bottom:
  18. SMode=Size of calendar grid 
  19. SMode_Items=Small calendar#13Full desktop calendar
  20. Label2=Preview
  21. Label5=Skin type:
  22. Label7=Skins list:
  23. Panel3=no picture
  24. CBSkinType_Items=Screen Calendar skins#13WinAmp skins (ver 2.x)
  25. GroupBox1= Load items of skin 
  26. CB1=Background color and image
  27. CB2=Font options
  28. CB3=Calendar view
  29. CB4=Icons arrangement
  30. bSaveModif=Save modification...
  31. Direct1=Week orientation 
  32. Direct1_Items=horizontally#13vertically
  33. Step1=Month's appearance 
  34. NoRemindStep1_Items=one week#13two weeks
  35. FormatTitleW=Weekdays  titles 
  36. FormatTitleW_Items=full (Sunday, Monday ...)#13brief (Su, Mo, Tu...)#13first char (S, M, T...)
  37. FirstDay=Week starting point
  38. FirstDay_Items=Monday#13Sunday
  39. GroupBox2=Language
  40. GroupBox3=Month title
  41. RGAddNext=Show next month
  42. RGAddNext_Items=None#13Half month#13Full month
  43. Label9=Background color
  44. PBox2_Hint=Background image position
  45. GBBgImg= Background image source 
  46. EdDbList_Hint=Edit image list
  47. RBg1=None
  48. RBg2=Image
  49. RBg3=Random image from folder
  50. RBg4=Random from images list
  51. GroupBox4= Image arrangement 
  52. RGPos1=Alignment
  53. RGPos2=Fit to screen
  54. RGPos3=Tile
  55. BGProp=Constrain proportions
  56. BGMaxFit=Without empty space
  57. CBAutoChanger=Enable autochanging of background images
  58. CBInterval_Items=5 minutes#1310 minutes#1315 minutes#1320 minutes#1330 minutes#131 hour#132 hours#133 hours#136 hours#1312 hours#131 month
  59. GGefHoliday=Default holidays:
  60. BADay_Hint=Add date
  61. BEday_Hint=Edit date
  62. BDDay_Hint=Delete date
  63. CBDeskI=Enable icons arrangement
  64. CBAIType_Items=Left#13Top#13Right#13Bottom#13Left & Right#13Top & Bottom#13Spiral CW#13Spiral CCW
  65. GroupBox6= Number on desktop 
  66. Label12=Horizontally
  67. Label20=Vertically
  68. GroupBox5= Spacing 
  69. Label1=Days cell spacing
  70. Label17=Day cell padding
  71. Label18=Title cell padding
  72. Label19=Titles cell spacing
  73. BHelp=&Help
  74. mSCOption=Screen Calendar &Options ...
  75. Updatedestop1=&Update Desktop
  76. mShowCGrid=Show &calendar
  77. mChangeCSize=&Change calendar size
  78. Arrangeicons1=&Arrange icons
  79. mIA0=&Left
  80. mIA1=&Top
  81. mIA2=&Right
  82. mIA3=&Bottom
  83. mIA4=Left && Rig&ht
  84. mIA5=Top && Botto&m
  85. mIA6=&Spiral CW
  86. mIA7=Spiral &CCW
  87. mShowIcons=&Show icons on Desktop
  88. Help2=&Help
  89. Help1=&Web links
  90. mbNone1=&Home page
  91. Skinspage1=&Skins page
  92. Buynow1=&Buy now!
  93. Homepage1=&Feedback
  94. Bugreport1=&Bug report
  95. Informationrequest1=&Information request
  96. mRegistr=&Registration ...
  97. mAbout=&About ...
  98. Exit1=Exit
  99. mDelSM=Delete modification
  100. mRenSM=Rename modification
  101. CBDayTray=Show current date on icon
  102. LLCal=Calendar:
  103. LLProg=Program:
  104. LMarkNotes=Mark the dates with notes:
  105. CBSelNotes_Items=none#13Underline#13Left-top corner (date color)#13Right-top corner (date color)#13Left-top corner (red color)#13Right-top corner (red color)
  106. GBStartUp=Start up options
  107. CBLaunhStart=Launch with Windows start
  108. CBRunMin=Minimize after autostart
  109. CBMinExit=Exit after calendar completing
  110. BChangNow=Change Now
  111. ChangeType1=Period
  112. ChangeType2=Exact time (every day)
  113. ChangeType3=Days of week
  114. CBChangeStart=Every start up
  115. CBChangeOnlyMin=Change only if Screen Calendar is minimized
  116. GBPrint=What to print
  117. GBPrintFont=Font settings
  118. bPrint=Print
  119. bPSetup=Page setup
  120. PrnT1=Desktop calendar as is
  121. PrnT2=Calendar for a month (without background)
  122. PrnT4=Notes
  123. PrnT3=Background image only
  124. CBPrintColor=Use current font colors
  125. LDFrom=from:
  126. LDTo=to:
  127. CBPrintMonth_Items=current month#13next month
  128. CBPeriod_Items=today#13this week#13this month#13all#13for period
  129. CBWeekNum=Weeks numbering
  130. RBSave=What to save
  131. RBSave_Items=Background image only#13Current calendar with background image
  132. RBSaveFormat=Image format
  133. RBSaveFormat_Items=Windows BitMap (*.bmp)#13JPEG (*.jpg)
  134. BSaveIm=Save as...
  135. LinePlanerSize_Items=5 minutes#1310 minutes#1315 minutes#1320 minutes#1330 minutes#1360 minutes
  136. LPlanerSize=Line size:
  137. GBPlaner=Scheduler lines
  138. LWorkDay=Business day
  139. LPlFrom=Starts:
  140. LPlTo=Ends:
  141. PlWColor=In-office time color:
  142. PlDColor=Out of office time color:
  143. spbFileImport=Import
  144. grbFilters=Filters for records
  145. rbAll=All
  146. rbToday=Selected day
  147. rbMonth=Selected month
  148. rbPeriod=Period
  149. lPeriodFrom=From
  150. lPeriodTill=To
  151. chbShowAllDay=Show records attached to time 
  152. lImport=You can import your records from a previous version of Screen Calendar to Scheduler
  153. chbDescription=Show description in hint
  154. ConflictAction=Conflict resolution
  155. LSCSide=Screen Calendar Side
  156. LOSide=Outlook side
  157. GBImport=Import
  158. CBOnlyLastModif=Only Last Modified
  159. rbIEFromDate=From This Date:
  160. rbIELastTime=By Last:
  161. cbIELastTime_Items=Year#13Month#132 weeks#13Week#13Day#1312 hours#13Hour#30 minutes
  162. cbOutlookAction_Items=Leave Item UnResolved#13Delete Item#13Create Item In Screen Calendar
  163. cbCalendarAction_Items=Leave Item UnResolved#13Delete Item#13Create Item In Outlook
  164. cbIEChangeReccurre=Change Reccurrence Pattern
  165. spbSynchro=Synchronize
  166. GroupBox8=Other options
  167. CBHideAfterExit=Hide calendar after exit
  168. spbOutlookImport=Import Data from Outlook
  169. spbOutlookExport=Export DataBase to Outlook
  170. Step1_Items=one week#13two weeks
  171. CBWeekNum_Items=none#13left#13right
  172. BSaveImg=Save as...
  173. GBOutlookUpdate=Update notes
  174. LUpdPeriod=every
  175. chbUpdatePeriod=Automatic update from Outlook
  176. cbUpdatePeriod_Items=5 minutes#1310 minutes#1315 minutes#1320 minutes#1330 minutes#131 hour#132 hours#133 hours#136 hours#1312 hours
  178. grbICalSource=iCalendar events source
  179. rbICalLocal=Local File
  180. rbICalURL=URL
  181. btSubscribe=Subscribe
  182. btImport=Import
  183. btExport=Export...
  184. grbSubscribes=Subscribed event sources
  185. spbtPaste_Hint=Paste
  186. spbtRemove_Hint=Remove
  187. spbtRemoveAll_Hint=Remove All
  188. spbtUpdate_Hint=Update only active event sources 
  189. spbtUpdateAll_Hint=Update All event sources
  190. miUpdate=Update
  191. miRemove=Remove
  192. iCalUpdateSubcribes1=Update iCalendar sources
  194. [RegForm]
  195. Cap=Registration
  196. Label1=Name:
  197. Label2=Registration key:
  198. Label3=Please enter the registration dates given to you upon purchasing. You can use the Copy/Paste commands to do it easier.
  199. Button1=Trial mode
  200. Button2=Ok
  202. [ADCAbout]
  203. Cap=About
  204. Label5=All Rights Reserved.
  205. LLicense_Hint=License to:
  206. Button1=Ok
  208. [BgListEditor]
  209. Cap=Background list editor
  210. bAdd1=Add image
  211. bAdd2=Add folder
  212. bDel=Delete image
  213. BOk=Ok
  214. BCancel=Cancel
  216. [fmPlanner]
  217. Cap=Day scheduler
  218. btClose=Ok
  219. miDelMemoEvent=Delete record
  220. miEditEvent=Edit record
  221. miAddEvent=Add record
  222. lDescription=Subject
  223. lType=Type
  225. [fmAppoint]
  226. lSubject=Subject
  227. chbStartTime=Starts
  228. chbEndTime=Ends
  229. chbRemind=Remind
  230. chbRepeat=Repeat
  231. lDayType=Day Type
  232. lBefore=Before
  233. lMin=In min
  234. cbBefore_Items=0 min#135 mins#1310 mins#1315 mins#1330 mins#131 hr#132 hrs#133 hrs#134 hrs#135 hrs#136 hrs#137 hrs#138 hrs#139 hrs#1310 hrs#1311 hrs#1312 hrs#1318 hrs#131 day#132 days#133 days#134 days#131 week#132 weeks#13Custom
  235. cbMonth_Items=January#13February#13March#13April#13May#13June#13July#13August#13September#13October#13November#13December
  236. cbMonth1_Items=January#13February#13March#13April#13May#13June#13July#13August#13September#13October#13November#13December
  237. lReminds=Available reminds
  238. spbAddRemind=New remind
  239. lActionType=Type
  240. lActionSubj=Subject
  241. lParam=Sound File
  242. spbApply=OK
  243. spbCancel=Cancel
  244. TabSheet4=Daily
  245. TabSheet5=Weekly
  246. TabSheet6=Monthly
  247. TabSheet7=Yearly
  248. rbEveryDay=every
  249. lEveryDay=day
  250. rbEveryWork=every workday
  251. lEveryW=every
  252. lWeekDay=week at the days
  253. chbSunday=Sunday
  254. chbMonday=Monday
  255. chbTuesday=Tuesday
  256. chbWednesday=Wednesday
  257. chbThursday=Thursday
  258. chbFriday=Friday
  259. chbSaturday=Saturday
  260. rbMonthly=every
  261. lMonthDay=day of every
  262. lMonth=months
  263. rbMonthNth=at
  264. lEveryM=every
  265. lMonthN=month
  266. rbYearly=every
  267. lInMonth=in
  268. lYearM=month
  269. rbYearNth=at
  270. lMonthY=in
  271. lYearM1=month
  272. grbUntil=Recur until
  273. lFrom=from:
  274. rbNoEnd=no end
  275. rbOccurrences=after
  276. lOccurr=repeats
  277. rbPatternEndDate=at
  278. ButOk=&Ok
  279. ButClose=&Cancel
  280. lActions=Remind actions:
  281. lOfMonth=of
  282. lOfMonth1=of
  283. cbYearInstance_Items=first#13second#13third#13fourth#13last
  284. cbYearWeekMask_Items=day#13workday#13dayoff#13sunday#13monday#13tuesday#13wednesday#13thursday#13friday#13saturday
  285. cbMonthWeekMask_Items=day#13workday#13dayoff#13sunday#13monday#13tuesday#13wednesday#13thursday#13friday#13saturday
  286. cbMonthInstance_Items=first#13second#13third#13fourth#13last
  287. TabSubj=Subject
  288. TabRemind=Remind
  289. TabRepeat=Repeat
  292. [Values]
  293. DefDay1=Monday
  294. DefDay2=Tuesday
  295. DefDay3=Wednesday
  296. DefDay4=Thursday
  297. DefDay5=Friday
  298. DefDay6=Saturday
  299. DefDay7=Sunday
  301. MTree0=Main
  302. MTree1=Calendar view
  303. MTree2=Skins
  304. MTree3=Small size
  305. MTree4=Full screen size
  306. MTree5=Background
  307. MTree6=Changer
  308. MTree7=Dates
  309. MTree8=Print
  310. MTree9=Desktop icons
  311. MTree10=Save
  312. MTree11=Import/Export
  313. MTree12=Scheduler settings
  314. MTree13=iCalendar (iCal)
  316. DTree0=Cells settings
  317. DTree1=Month title
  318. DTree2=Weekdays titles
  319. DTree3=Week numbers
  320. DTree4=Days
  321. DTree5=Common days
  322. DTree6=Today
  323. DTree7=Holidays
  324. DTree8=Special days
  325. DTree9=Notes
  326. DTree10=Play Sound
  327. DTree11=Show Message
  328. DTree12=Run Application
  329. DTree13=Show Subject Message
  331. ActionType=Type
  332. ActionSubject=Subject
  333. ActionParams=Parameters
  334. ActionOrder=Order
  336. ImgFolder=Images folder
  337. ImgNotFound=Not found the images in foulder %s
  338. MsgSysTray=Left-click to open the window options,#13 and right-click to open the program menu
  339. MsgNumIcons=The number of icons exceeds the number is indicated by you. Please increase the horisontal or vertical numbers.
  340. MsgChangeBG=To change background images you should select "Random image from folder" or "Random from images list".
  341. MsgNoOutlook=Microsoft Outlook not found out on your computer. Please install the one and then run Screen Calendar again.
  342. MySettings=My settings
  343. SaveModif=Save modification
  344. OverrideModif=Override skin modification?
  345. WinSkin=Window and current Windows color scheme
  346. TransSkin=Current Windows color scheme and transparent calendar
  347. ChamSkin=Automatic color scheme correction
  348. SkinFolder=Skin folder
  349. DeleteModif=Delete skin modification "%s" from skin "%s"?
  350. RenameModif=Rename modification
  351. EnterModifName=Enter modification name for skin "%s"
  352. DelDate=Delete %s date?
  353. NoNotes=There are not any notes for the selected period.
  354. EventsAmount=Record amount: %d 
  355. Mess=Message Text
  356. SFile=Sound File
  357. AppFile=Application
  358. Confirm=Confirmation
  359. NoRemind=You must create remind at first
  360. Remind=Remind
  362. DefTrans=Default transparent
  363. DefWin=Default window       
  364. DefCham=Chameleon Skin
  365. Empty=<empty>
  366. BrowseDir=browse dir...
  367. BrowseFile=browse...
  369. Prop0=TEXT
  370. Prop1=Font
  371. Prop2=Font style
  372. Prop3=Font size
  373. Prop4=Text color 
  374. Prop5=Text alignment 
  375. Prop6=Text orientation 
  376. Prop7=BACKGROUND 
  377. Prop8=Background style 
  378. Prop9=Background color 
  379. Prop10=Background image 
  380. Prop11=Background transparency 
  381. Prop12=BORDER 
  382. Prop13=Border type 
  383. Prop14=Border color 
  385. none=none 
  386. single=single 
  387. thick=thick 
  388. double=double 
  389. glow=glow 
  390. normal=normal 
  391. bold=bold 
  392. italic=italic 
  393. bold-italic=bold-italic 
  394. solid_color=solid color 
  395. image_stretch=image stretch 
  396. image_tile=image tile 
  397. full_transparency=full transparency 
  398. left=left 
  399. center=center 
  400. right=right 
  401. horizontal=horizontal 
  402. vertical=vertical
  403. top=top
  404. bottom=bottom
  406. DefLang=Default language
  407. HeaderT1=Parameter#13Value#13Individual
  408. HeaderT2=Parameter#13Value
  409. NumWeekPosH=none#13left#13right
  410. NumWeekPosV=none#13top#13bottom
  411. HeaderDates1=Date
  412. HeaderDates2=Description
  414. TotalImg=Total: %d images
  415. ErrorOpen=error of opening
  416. FileNotFound=file not found
  417. ImgSel=images selected
  418. DelImages=Delete %d images from the list?
  420. CreateAllDayEvent=Do you want to create a new AllDay record?
  421. SelectEvent=Please select a record
  422. MsgImport=Import finished. Imported %d record(s).
  423. MsgExport=Export finished. Exported %d record(s).
  424. MsgSyncComplit=Synchronization is finished. 
  425. NewRemind=New remind
  426. EnterRemindName=Please enter a remind name
  427. SaveChanges=Save changes?
  428. ReplaceAllDayEvent=AllDay record already exists. Do you want to replace it a new one?
  429. DelAction=Are you sure you want to delete this action?
  430. OpenRepeat=Do you want to open an original of recurring record?
  431. DelEvent=Are you sure you want to delete this record?
  432. NewRec=New record
  434. PressOK=Press OK to stop
  435. Music=Music
  436. MusicError=Error trying to play file
  437. Alarm=Alarm
  438. ImportOldEvents=Do you want to import your previous records?
  439. ColorZone0=Green
  440. ColorZone1=Cyan
  441. ColorZone2=Blue
  442. ColorZone3=Magenta
  443. ColorZone4=Red
  444. ColorZone5=Yellow
  445. ColorZone6=Black
  446. ColorZone7=Gray
  447. ColorZone8=White
  448. MsgSaveChamModif=Save changing of the color scheme %s?
  450. NoLocalFileFound=File not found.
  451. ICalNoSourceAvailablePostfix=: source not found.
  452. ICalEventsProcessedPrefix=Events processed:
  453. lvICalSources0=Name
  454. lvICalSources1=Frequency
  455. lvICalSources2=Date
  456. lvICalSources3=Number
  457. ICalFrequency0=Never
  458. ICalFrequency1=Every 10 min
  459. ICalFrequency2=Every 30 min
  460. ICalFrequency3=Every 1 hour
  461. ICalFrequency4=At day start
  462. ICalFrequency5=At week start
  463. ICalFrequency6=At month start
  464. ICalFrequency7=At year start
  466. RemindGroupDelPrompt=Before deleting the current record will be saved. All reminds of dependent events will be disabled.#13Continue? 
  468. [PropChameleon]
  469. Cap=Chameleon settings
  470. LZone_Hint=Background zone:
  471. GetNowColor=Get as now
  472. GroupBox1=Background color
  473. Label1=R:
  474. Label2=G:
  475. Label3=B:
  476. LockC_Hint=Lock color changing
  477. BReset=Reset default